The voting for the “Office of the Year 2020” competition started on the 4th of January and the second home of the downtown families applied for it with its programs and services – called Downtown Community Center HomeOn(line) –, that were established during the pandemic situation last spring.
Your vote can help us win the Office Branding Special Award on the website.
The pandemic situation last spring brought challenges for families, especially the ones with little children. Our colleagues did everything they could to support the families staying at home, to live this time the easiest and the best possible way. Our aim was to use the online space for spreading the philosophy of the community center and with digital contents and interactive opportunities we helped the families and kept together the downtown community.
In spring we offered 4-5 online programs on weekdays for parents and children. Among which we organized storytelling, game ideas for home, book recommendations, different musical events and professional articles. Some of these were available in English and some videos got subtitles, too.
We paid special attention to the psychological support of parents and pregnant moms who were left alone. Prenatal yoga was available online, but everybody could sing and tell rhymes with the Twittering Musical Kindergarten, Blue Ladybird, the Bells – musical therapy and the Star eye sessions.
We recommended books for parents in the episodes of Book Club in spring. We regularly published articles on the topics of developing kids’ movements and parenting on the website of the institution.
Our institution applied for the Office Branding Special Award of the Office of the Year 2020 competition with our Downtown Community Center HomeOn(line) services.
Professional judges and the audience can decide about the winner. You can vote from the 4th of January to the 7th of February after a registration on website.
We have also applied for the Office of the Year title, here you will find information about that, as well.
Thank you very much for your votes.
This article is translated by Emese Murin.
Click here for the Hungarian version.