Summer day camps at Downtown Community Centre

This year we invite children at age 5-14 to four summer day camps. The camps will be based on the topics of tales, psychodrama, and adventures. The knowledge of fluent Hungarian language is required. Registration will be open from 9 June at our online system!

Never Ending Tree Camp (Égig érő fa) – 29 June – 3 July, 9 am – 4 pm – The camp is fully booked!

We will use the tools of tale and dance therapy, and child psychodrama to help the children express their inner feelings and connect to each other. We will create, find out stories, and perform them together.
Age group: children at age 7-9
Camp leaders: Bella Pólya, Éva Koller Szentkatolnayné
Click here to register.

Wonderful Animals Camp (Csodálatos állatok) – 20-24 July, 9 am – 4 pm – The camp is fully booked!

The day camp of tales invites children to a 5-day-long adventure in the Magical Forest. They can meet wonderful animals and learn from them about bravery, love, and other very important things. We invite children who love tales to join the great adventure of the summer. We will tell stories every day, we will create together and stay active.
Age group: kindergarten children at age 5-6
Camp leaders: Kata Szirtes-Szabó, Gábor Szöllősi
Click here to register.

Magical Pebble Psychodrama Camp (Varázskavics) – 3-7 August, 9 am – 4 pm

This 5-day-long day camp is made for children who are happy to use their fantasy, who like stories and trying out new things. We use tools of child psychodrama and art therapy to give a great experience for the campers that has a positive effect on their self-concept, communication, problem-solving, and inner visualization skills.
Age group: children at age 9-11
Camp leaders: Csilla Kubovics-Juhász, Éva Koller Szentkatolnayné
Click here to register.

Adventure Camp – 10-14 August, 9 am – 4 pm

Summer adventure camp in the city? Exactly! At the beginning of the week we will learn to read the map, make a fire, build a hiding spot, and we will have other exciting adventures. Why are they important? Because in the second part of the week we will participate in a real expedition where we will use all this knowledge in real life. At the same time, we will learn about communication, cooperation, thinking, so loads of useful topics that we need in our everyday lives.
We are waiting for you too if you live in District 5, and you are in 5-8. class at school.
Join us in our adventure to have interesting stories to tell to your friends. Or bring them with you…
Age group: children in 5-8. class of elementary school
Camp leaders: Bella Pólya and Edit Vámosi
Click here to register.

The number of the participants is limited, previous online registration is required!
Registration will be open from 9 June at the online system!
The camps will be held at Downtown Community Centre (9 Mérleg utca, Budapest, 1051, Hungary).
Participation is free for the children of District 5, only the cost of the food is required. We will provide 3 meals a day, the price of it is equal to the price of school meals.

The knowledge of fluent Hungarian language is required.

This article is translated by Anita Nagy.
Click here for the Hungarian version.