Downtown Community Center has regularly participated in the event of Advent Fair and Fundraising of Family Organizations, which is organized by the Young Family Club (FICSAK). Due to the coronavirus pandemic this year the event will be online but this does not mean we cannot contribute to the good cause.
The traditional advent fair and fundraising will be organized online by FICSAK and almost thirty other family organizations. This year the Children’s Ambulance Service Foundation of Saint Martin receives the donation, they provide on-the-spot medical attendance for children in life threatening conditions.
The aim of the advent fundraising is to contribute to the purchase of a special M1 Stryker stretcher, which costs 2,5 million forint. The foundation would use the stretcher in their new ambulance that arrives next spring.
The fundraising will be online on the website; everyone can contribute until the 10th of December.
Downtown Community Center also helps the fundraising; we call our colleagues’ and visitors’ attention to the good cause, to possible contributions to support the essential work of the Children’s Ambulance Service Foundation of Saint Martin. You can donate here: mentsunk-meg-egyutt-minel- tobb-gyermeket-2124
This article is translated by Emese Murin.
Click here for the Hungarian version.