This period can be really challenging for the parents with all the chores, cooking and helping
the kids in their studies. We would like to share some ideas and advice to make this time
easier by embracing kids to take part in the tasks.
It is common to see chores as big trouble that lies only on your shoulders. This period is a
good opportunity to involve the children in the tasks, believe us, they can even enjoy them.
Getting involved, they learn and acknowledge at a young age that there are always tasks to do
around the household. Also, different tasks make them become more patient and organized,
while their coordination, fine motor skills and movement skills can develop.
There are some aspects to consider while involving children. Do not forget to show a good
example at doing chores. In case you have more kids, try to differentiate when you give out
the tasks of your hands. Give easier tasks for the smaller ones and give them your support,
embrace them while they are working. Be consequent, don’t correct their every move without
a good reason. Don’t expect perfection from the involved preschoolers, the important thing is
that they are willing to help. Bigger kids can be more independent, you can let them decide
what they want to help with. When they are done, talk to them about how they succeeded, or
in which area they can still improve. Giving tasks help them on the way to become more
independent, more able to live together with others.
Children can prepare the dining table, placing the utensils in the right place and folding
napkins improve their eye-hand coordination and fine motor movements. Bigger ones can also
fill up the glasses with water or help do the dishes. These tasks support their self-control and
their logical thinking. Smaller ones can crease the napkins and place them in the bin. We find
it a good opportunity to talk about separate waste collection and recycling. You can collect
ideas together about how to reuse an object.
You can also involve children in the cleaning. Even the smallest ones can get busy with their
small brooms and dustpans, while the bigger ones can use the vacuum cleaner or the mop.
These chores also contribute to their sensation of space or recognition of situations.
Children can also give a hand with the laundry, you can surprise them with creative tasks that
make them feel competent. Small kids can take in and out the clothes of the washing machine,
they can learn to separate clothes by colours or by owners. You can contribute to the
development of their perceptibility if they help to make pairs of socks. These tasks improve
seriality, their sensation of colours and shapes. Hanging clothes with clothespins improve
their fine movements. It is also a good opportunity to learn the order of the dressing up, which
clothes goes first and which ones to the top.
By time everyone learns to be responsible for their objects and room, if you make chores a
common activity this time, they will be better to take care of their property later.
Forest Tale Daycare
This article is translated by Anita Nagy.
Click here for the Hungarian version.