Life at the Quarantine Part 1 – Why Are Daily Schedules Important?

Ordinary weekdays are over for a while, we have to adjust to a new lifestyle. Parents (in lucky
cases) work from home, kids spend their days at home instead of the preschools or schools.
Changes can make a hard time for the family, there might be more conflicts than usual, there
are more tasks to do around the household, and the new unknown situation can cause anxiety
in case of the children.

What can we do to help adjust and succeed in our daily tasks as a family?

It is important not to let the days fly by and to follow a schedule that is similar to our regular one. You don’t have to insist on early wake-ups, this time is great to let the children wake up freshly, in their own time. Of course it is also good to be productive in the mornings, if you have the energy to do it. It is good to know everyone’s daily schedule and tasks in advance, to set a day for doing the laundry, one for planting flowers, etc. Make sure that the children understand that this period is not a long vacation, everyone has to follow their tasks. Parents have to continue working, school-age kids have to study, and you can also find out chores for the smaller ones.

Try to stay consequent when planning the schedule, if the children are used to resting after every 45 minutes, you can set resting periods as well to give the opportunity for some free activities. You can give them responsibility to decide in which order they want to finish their tasks showing that they are an important part of the family and they can make their own decisions. Since anyone can require some alone-time sometime, marking a special room in the apartment can be a good idea where family members can spend some time showing the will to not be disturbed for a while. It is also helpful to draw a clock with the times of the tasks to make the schedule transparent which is easy to follow.

Forest Tale Daycare

This article is translated by Anita Nagy.
Click here for the Hungarian version.