Let’s stay together, keep in touch! – online events in the Downtown Community Center

The colleagues of the Downtown Community Center will help you with several great events, topics and articles online as you could see last year.

Far, far away… – tales for everyone

We will tell stories and tales for little ones and adults, too. To find some peace at the end of the week let’s meet on our Facebook site and on the YouTube channel on Friday evenings. Story teller: Kata Szirtes-Szabó

Professional articles and videos from the Forest Tale Daycare

You can count on ideas for games and useful topics from our colleagues (Bettina Varga, Rita Kőszegi, Nikoletta Széki) of the Forest Tale Daycare. They will share videos and articles to make your home-time more comfortable.

Let’s join us for a coffee! – online baby-mommy group

On Tuesdays at 10 am moms of the youngest and small kids can join us for an online morning conversation. This online event will help us to keep in touch with each other, to meet our friends, to share our thoughts and feelings, and also to seek solutions for the upcoming difficulties. You need to register each week for this event here.

After bed-time – online group for parents to decrease stress 

Another hard day has come to an end, the kids are sleeping. Now we finally have time to care for ourselves. Why not in the framework of an online conversation for adults? Here you can forget about stress and have a nice chat with others on Thursday evenings from 8:30 pm. You can register here.

Reading Club – Book recommendation

Kata Szirtes-Szabó recommends you exciting books covering several topics every Friday, should you belong to any age-group.

Star Eye and Carillon on the basis of the Kokas method

Our Star Eye group on Tuesdays is a closed group, instructed by Renáta Megyesi, for 5-8 years old kids. You can register here. On Fridays you can find the videos of Carillon on Facebook for the little ones.

Online and email consultations

There is an opportunity to have an online consultation on Skype with Kata Szirtes-Szabó on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. You need to register here in advance. On Wednesday afternoons you can send her an e-mail concerning your questions to the following address: szirtes.kata@segitokezek.com

Event recommendation, Quarantine cuisine and positive thoughts

Our colleagues (Magdi Poich, Eszter Bencze, Orsolya Csollák, Viktor Gyöngyösi) will recommend you several events (online programs, quarantine cuisine recipes) and they will also share some positive thoughts with you.

Ready for parenting? and Baby carrying consultation

Edina Segesdi will continue her “Ready for parenting?” activity and the baby carrying consultation online to help pregnant moms.

Online story workshop for families – from the 22nd of March

Our creative and developmental online story therapy group is based on Ildikó Boldizsár’s Metamorphoses Story Therapy Method. We work with folk tales from all over the world by playing, moving, singing, telling rhymes and do it yourself activities with the help of natural materials. This activity is designed for 5-6 years old kindergartners and their parents and takes place every Monday from 3 pm. You can register here.

You can find our current events in the timetable.

You can watch our activities, tales and game ideas on the YouTube channel of the Downtown Community Center; our articles can be found on the website by clicking on “Professional articles”.

Take care of yourselves! Take care of each other!

This article is translated by Emese Murin.
Click here for the Hungarian version.