Measures to prevent the spread of the virus

Dear Parents and Visitors! We, at Downtown Community Center consider visiting children’s, pregnant women’s, adults’ and workers’ health and its protection deeply important, so we follow all the information and instructions of the operative group. We have set a few measures in regards to prevent the diffusion of the virus.
Our colleges disinfect every room, tools and toys more often following accurate advice. We
have placed hand disinfectants into our rooms, the cleaner staff cleans every door handles and
fixtures with higher consideration. We change the air of the rooms regularly and a new
transferable hand disinfectant machine is under purchase.
We ask your cooperation and understanding regarding our decision to split the groups of more
than 10 participants into more groups, hereby decreasing the risk of a potential infection.
According to the information of the operative group, the virus can attack persons of any age, but
there has been only a very few children amongst the confirmed cases and their sickness was
moderate with light symptoms. Nevertheless this reassuring information, it is to the interest of
our own to be prepared and aim to keep the virus away from our families, older relatives and

We ask your cooperation and understanding in the following cases:

  • Please fill out a form every time you enter our institute about yours and your child’s state of health and about the fact that you have not been abroad in the last 2 weeks. You are not allowed to visit the institute without signing it.
  • Use the hand disinfectants at the entrance on the hands of your own and your child’s.
  • Also disinfect your hands after using the bathrooms.
  • In case you or your child is having any symptoms at any level (fever, dry cough etc), please do not visit the institute.
  • In case our colleges will discover symptoms of the child (even light ones), they will ask the parents to bring the child home and to suspend the visits of the institute for 2 weeks.
  • If you arrive from abroad, we ask you and your child not to visit the institute for 2 weeks.
  • Due to the state of emergency declared by the government regarding the coronavirus, the Downtown Community Center and our Café is only open for residents of the 5th district. Our new rule is valid from 13.03.2020 until recalled.

We will keep you updated about further roles and changes at our webpage and Facebook page.
Thank you for your cooperation, let’s look after each other and our community!

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