How to communicate with children in case of crisis. In the past few weeks our life has turned upside down. The continual changes require constant adaptation, flexibility and patience. Changes can be frightening but don’t forget that each one of us has met different crises in our lives and there is always a way out! The adults possess an inventory of coping strategies to help themselves in these cases but children don’t. It is primal to think and act responsibly about the coronavirus as an adult to help the children understand the happenings and help them cope. It is highly important to inform children according to their capacities. We have some methods to share about communicating with each age group.
But first, what should you pay special attention to?
First of all, try to stay balanced and emotionally stable.
Put more energy into showing tranquillity and safety that children need in these hard times. Do not forget that children don’t only understand the messages of our words, but they are able to perceive our anxiety and odd behaviour as well. Try to control your mood changes, emotions and create a harmonic environment. Naturally, it is all right to be worried or confused sometimes, that children can detect and they can get curious. It is important to answer their questions, but try to do it on their own level, without sharing your inner tension. It is helpful to make real knowledge that this situation is only temporary. Communicating with honesty, humour and playfulness can help us handle the changes and later on we can use these experiences in our life. Try not to give way to despair, be calm, conscious and look into the future positively!
Listen to the feelings of the children and accept them.
Pay special attention to detect when they are trying to communicate with us. They can do it by drawings, role plays or dialogues during playing. It is possible that their tension that they do not understand causes changes in their behaviour, occasionally it can also lead to aggression. This situation can be especially hard for the children living in the city centre who are stuck between 4 walls and their accumulated energy cannot be worked off. Try to understand these moments and offer them the possibility to find their answers. Let them feel that you understand them.
Inform children on their own level, with honesty and authenticity.
Children are open-minded, they are curious about the surrounding world, they have many questions to ask. In this new condition they are still getting many new stimuli and influences, especially ones that they don’t fully understand. Try to answer their questions with simplicity to eliminate any possible doubts. We can find our common, playful language and use that to clarify the situation. Share information only that comes from an authentic source. Don’t let them have frustrations, help them untangle the mess of the crumbs of information in their head.
Create a predictable and understandable daily schedule.
It is good to make a visualized schedule where the children can follow their tasks and programs easily. If there are more kids in the house, make sure that everyone understands the system well. It is fun to find out about collective and individual activities together. Following a schedule gives stability, transparency and consequence that leads to security.
See the bright side of life, try to make the best of the time that you have won with your family. See the life behind the coronavirus, challenge yourselves with new activities, make experiments, let your creativity flow. Look for positive energy sources around you and try to think optimistically.
Kata Horányi – Forest Tale Childcare
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