Help, what should I tell my child about the virus?! – Communication with toddlers and preschoolers

We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to keep communicating with our children in case of any crisis. Now we would like to enrich you with some practical advice about how to do it.

Since we meet real and fake news minute by minute, the current situation is uncertain even for us adults. This can lead to anxiety but it is important to try to stay calm and balanced in front of the children, because the kids are able to detect our distress. Don’t forget that children are really good to accomodate to new situations. We can help them in various ways, using their flexibility, without causing harm to their sense of security. 

As we have advised before, you can make new schedule plans. It is fun to create them together. You can make drawings about the chores and activities and place them on the wall where everyone can see them. Try to make the programme similar to their ordinary one, so their days don’t turn fully upside down.

It is recommended to follow a child-centred approach also when you give information to your children. Put playing in the centre because that is the common language that can help even the smallest kids understand what is going on around them. It is important to share real information through playing. You can personate the coronavirus and talk about how it looks. You can picture it on paintings or drawings, or you can create a virus puppet. It is helpful to materialize it as a small creature that is not frightening, so the children can believe that it can be overpowered. You can also teach how to wash hands properly, helping the children imagine how the little viruses are sliding down into the sinkhole on the slippery soapy surface. There are plenty of cute hand washing songs online but you can also use the child’s favourite song to reassure that the cleaning takes enough time.

You can write a story about the virus and make it longer every day adding some new information. It does no good to share all the information at the same time, it is better to take it slow. It is helpful to explain the spread of the virus using stuffed animals at home. For example the rabbit starts to cough but he goes to the playground anyway to have some fun. Unfortunately his friends get sick too and then everyone starts coughing. Later on, each character has the fever too so they decide to stay at home, and they don’t visit the grandparents and other friends for a while. 

Let the children ask their questions, encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings with you. It is important to talk about everything they need, but pay attention to share only the necessary information according to their age and maturity level. Try to listen to their emotions. With humour and playfulness children understand and proceed better with the happenings and it helps them get rid of their tension and incomprehension.

In the meantime, it is also important not to forget that too much information can cause as much anxiety as too many. But after talking about our current difficulties, when questions are clarified, let life go on, don’t make everything around the virus and danger. Have big conversations, play as usual and be open to new treats, positive feelings and experiences!

Bettina Varga – Forest Tale Daycare

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