In the past period of time children in school-age have had to face plenty of changes in their lives. The theatres and cinemas are closed, they don’t have to go to school, the exciting school-trips are postponed, all the sport and extracurricular activities are cancelled. And to top it all, they have to get used to a brand new teaching method. Let’s help them understand what is going on in the world and why we have to follow some precautionary measures!
The new schedule, digital learning, and its initial difficulties can be fun and challenging at the same time that children can enjoy. However, later on, when everyone handles the digital platforms confidentially and has got bored of the toys at home, learning can get harder and potential frustrations or anxiety can arrive at the highlight.
Children have probably met much information about the coronavirus, they could have conversations in the school with teachers or students, they could hear news on the street, in the tv, or bigger kids could have read articles online too. It is highly important to sort the mess in their head and have conversations with them to foster their sense of security.
It is recommended to talk about the following topics:
- How and why does the virus impact our lives?
- What are the possible dangers?
- What can WE do on the individual and community level?
Give space to the kids for their own curiosity and feelings as well. There are no stupid questions, you can talk about everything that interests them. It is important to make them feel that they can trust you, and you are there for them in case of any doubts or difficulties. Reassure them that they are safe at home and all the precaution measures are necessary in order to avoid the problem, not because the problem is already here.
It is possible that they will have thoughts about dying, don’t get afraid in these situations. There is plenty of bad news, it is normal if they worry about their grandparents or their loved ones. Explain to them that they are also safe at home and our current lifestyle is required for their safety. You can tell your children that the doctors and researchers are working really hard to help the sick people and find medicines as soon as possible. If everyone follows the rules, big trouble can be avoided.
Children in their first years of school are able to understand more complex connections, for instance, the origins of the virus, the way of the spreading, the things that scientists have discovered by now, or how they are trying to stop the epidemic. It is important to tell the kids that in case they get infected by the virus, it wouldn’t cause more severe symptoms than the ordinary flu that they probably have faced before. You can explain to them how our immune system fights with the viruses.
You can find lots of great videos online, for example, the What Is A Virus? titled video by Peekaboo Kidz on YouTube explains this topic in an understandable way. For Hungarian speaker children, I recommend the third episode of Egyszer volt az élet series, which is called A test őrei. (All the other episodes of this series are also great.)
You can find it harder to communicate with adolescents because they are more likely to turn inside with their anxiety. Their fears are not increasable by tales and role-plays any more, which meant a good coping strategy when they were younger. Regarding all this, it is recommended to start conversations as a parent and not just wait until they open up. You can tell them what you know about the virus to fix the possible lack of information or rumours. There is a lot of instability in our lives, children can feel it too, but it can help to see that their parents are prepared and conscious.
In case of bigger kids, who are independent internet users, try to pay attention to their online sources. Help them with reliable websites, inform about what they have read and try to filter the fake news.
The family is facing and coping this virus together, but do not forget that children are not ready to proceed with every information. Try to share as much news with them, as it is really necessary. Talk to them according to the level of their maturity, save them from frightening data and start to avoid panic situations. The feeling of control can help to fight anxiety, it is reassuring to have some customs and practices for the whole family that helps prevent sickness and strengthens our immune system. Wash your hands regularly, cough and sneeze into tissues, have enough sleep, and change the air of the room often.
Use this period of time to focus on some activities that you have been longing for. It’s time to take the books off the shelves where they have just gathered dust, or unbox the boardgames of last Christmas. I will do it for sure. 🙂
Take care of ourselves and each other!
Anita Nagy – Forest Tale Daycare
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