In our new online timetable you will find several new events that were put together on the basis of your wishes and needs.
This is how the Downtown Tale Workshop got online as Online Family Tale Workshop since it will be open for parents, as well. Renáta’s Star Eye group, which is based on the Kokas Method, will be available online, as well, for 5-8-year old kids. You can join both events through ZOOM online platform to be able to interact with each other.
Eszter Bencze, your good acquaintance for our family-friendly café, has started the quarantine cuisine series to show you some easy recipes for home-time. Viktor Gyöngyösi will choose from his favorite pictures and quotes from folk tales to offer you support for the weekdays.
Baby-mommy Club is available online and we created a group called After Bed-time, for relaxed and stress-free conversations on Thursday evenings. Both events are interactive, we use ZOOM to meet and have real conversations.
Last year’s popular series came back again during this present lockdown: the game ideas and videos of tales and stories of the Forest Tale Daycare or the Book Club with our great book recommendations from week to week. We have started the publishing of the new series of articles, At home again, because we would like to help parents to keep their kids busy while working and doing the household chores. Kata Szirtes-Szabó and Edina Segesdi have online consultations available; Magdi and Orsi recommend you online events. Each week ends with Far, far away… , a tale for the family.
Our online interactive events help us to keep in touch and to meet our friends from the Downtown Community Center, to share our thoughts and feelings with each other and to find solutions for the upcoming difficulties.
Stay together, keep in touch!
The current events can be found in the timetable.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
The tales, game ideas, activities and the videos of the quarantine cuisine are available on the YouTube channel of the Downtown Community Center; the articles can be found by clicking on “Professional articles” on our website.
This article is translated by Emese Murin.
Click here for the Hungarian version.