Blue November

On the 20th of November several famous buildings and bridges turn blue all over the world; In Budapest the Zoo, the Liberty Statue, the Puskas Arena, the Duna Arena and some universities and hotels also shine blue, but more and more Hungarian cities and villages join the blue movement and light their schools and kindergartens blue.

We also celebrate this day, not only World Children’s Day, but also the birthday of the Downtown Community Center. Seven years ago, on the 20th of November, 2017 our unique institution opened its doors, where more than 40 preventive activities are available each month for the children and adults living in the district, free of charge.

Downtown Community Center turns blue this year on the 20th of November. We will try to have as much blueness that day as possible: we prepare blue surprises for the kids and we will wear blue clothes, too.

Why is it blue? – Blue is the color of UNICEF, which is the United Nations Children’s Fund, the biggest organization concerned with the rights of children.

What would they like to draw attention to? – On the 20th of November, 1989 the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Accordingly, every nation must ensure the rights of the children to develop, to be protected and to be able to participate in society.

The aim is to protect children against violence, neglect and discrimination, to ensure the basic care that is needed to their healthy physical and mental development, to take their interest and opinion into consideration in case of questions concerning them and to respect them.

This article is translated by Emese Murin.
Click here for the Hungarian version.