Activities of May

It’s been a month since you can join the online programmes of Downtown Community Centre. Our colleagues have written several articles and made many videos in the last month, they will keep sharing great activity ideas with you!

Videos and articles of Forest Tale Daycare

We always start Mondays and Thursdays with a video of Forest Tale Daycare. Kata Horányi said farewell to us last week, but our new colleague, Nikoletta Széki joins the team and will introduce herself soon. Our colleagues have been shared more tales and games to help the development of the children, they will continue it in May as well.
You can rewatch the previous videos of Bettina Varga, Anita Nagy, and Rita Kőszegi on the Youtube channel of Downtown Community Centre. They have written about how to help the smallest ones, the children at school age and the children with special educational needs in the current situation. They have also shared articles about the importance of daily schedules and they collected ideas for homemade toys using recycled materials. Their articles are available in English as well.

Tales for small and big ones

Anikó Papp-Huszár and Kata Szirtes-Szabó share stories with the children on Mondays and with the adults on Fridays. We wait for your drawings about the Monday stories, please share them with us in the comment sections. Their previous videos are available on our YouTube channel.

Ficánkoló (Let’s move) with Kati Kárpáti

Kati Kárpáti shares simple exercises to practice at home to develop the coordination of the children. Her focus was on balancing games in April. These articles are available in English as well.

Csillagszem (Star Eye) and Harangjáték (Bell)

The bigger ones can join Renáta Megyesi on Tuesday evenings and the small ones on Friday mornings to sing, listen to music and make crafts. Her previous videos are available on our YouTube channel.

Prenatal Yoga

Ágnes Eszter Nagy gives prenatal yoga classes every Thursday morning for the Downtown Moms-to-be. You can sign up for her zoom classes at the email address.

Let’s play and sing together!

On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, you can join Móni Venczel and Ancsa Hazay to sing or tell rhymes. They also share tales of the Kék Katica (Blue Ladybird) group.

Online programme recommendations

Our colleagues, Magdolna Poich, Eszter Bencze, Abigél Vinis and Viktor Gyöngyös recommends activities for home. In April, they recommended puppet shows, downloadable books and audios, and music. They are already collecting their ideas for May.

BookNook with Kata

Kata Szirtes-Szabó offers you great books to read on Fridays. Her articles are available only in Hungarian in the Szakmai cikkek menu.

Professional consultations

Anikó Papp-Huszár, child psychologist has online consultations on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She offers help in case of questions or doubts about educational, communicational, or other difficulties connected to the current situation. A counselling session is 50 minutes long and it takes place on Skype. You can book an appointment at the following email address:

Kata Szirtes-Szabó is available for you by email on Wednesday afternoons to answer your questions about daily schedules, education, games, tales, or everyday family life. You can send your questions to her at the email address.

Check our Schedule (Órarend) to follow our current activities!

You can find our activities and videos on the Youtube channel of Downtown Community Centre, and our articles in the Szakmai cikkek menu. 

Several articles and videos are available in English in the translation of Anita Nagy.

Stay at home! Stay with us!